Indian Constitutional Provision for Survey’s

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Indian Constitutional Provision for Survey’s

Article 19 of the Indian Constitution says, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. Further, the Supreme Court observed that “Freedom of speech and expression includes right to impart and receive information which includes freedom to hold opinions”

Ringside Research (a brand of Ringside Research and Media LLP) is a law-abiding Indian entity registered under the LLP Act 2008 (LLPIN: ABD-0662). The company is engaged in Market Research activities since its inception, within the electoral domain, inviting people’s opinion on sociopolitical issues with no allegiance to any political outfit or organization. Eliciting people’s opinion within an ethical framework, on a voluntary basis, towards empowering the citizenry is well within the purview of the constitution and plays a significant role in the democratic machinery.

Any obstruction to the field activities carried out by Ringside Research through its nominated personnel by any individual, entity or association will be seen as an obstruction to the democratic right provided by the Indian Constitution, inviting legal proceedings.

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