Guidelines We Follow

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We Strictly Follow the Guidelines of

We follow all the 4 articles of ESOMAR/WAPOR guidelines for public opinion surveys

Article 4:  Relationship with participants
Article 5: Relationship with the general public
Article 6: Relationship with media clients and others reporting research
Article 7: Methodological quality and transparency

We give especial attention on Article 4.3:

Considering the environment in which we are operating, we take our responsibility to protect the privacy and personal information of our respondent very seriously. In line with Article 4.3 of ESOMAR/WAPOR guidelines, Ringside Research has adopted a series of measures to give confidence to its respondents that their personal identity will never be disclosed. These measures extend from standard privacy protocols, to following GDPR policy. In addition, all our field and telephonic surveyor must sign a confidentiality agreement outlining the employee’s obligations to protect all private and confidential information. All the employees of Ringside Research must adhere to strict guidelines to prevent sharing of any sensitive information across media clients, projects, or even departments.

We follow ECI Guidelines for Exit Polls

According to the Election commission’s guidelines Ringside Research do not publish/print the result of any opinion poll or exit poll conducted at any time (a) during the period of 48 hours ending with the hour fixed for closing of poll in an election held in a single phase; and (b) in a multi-phased election, and in the case of elections in difference States announced simultaneously, at any time during the period starting from 48 hours before the hour fixed for closing of poll in the first phase of the election and till the poll is concluded in all the phases in all States.

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